How LyfLynks Provides More Meaningful Support for Caregiving Employees
Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) have been around for more than 50 years and what was considered progressive back in the 1980s, is no longer. EAPs’ ability to actively support the unique challenges of caregiving and ease employee caregivers’ day-to-day needs is limited by design.
LyfLynks delivers a life changing tool into the hands of the employee that directly addresses their needs for more time, the assurance that their loved one is safe and that someone has their back. Someone who will actively engage in caring for them as well as their care recipient. EAPs’ ability to actively support the unique challenges of caregiving and ease employee caregivers’ day-to-day needs is limited by design. LyfLynks delivers a life changing tool into the hands of the employee that directly addresses their needs for more time, the assurance that their loved one is safe and that someone has their back. Someone who will actively engage in caring for them as well as their care recipient.
How is LyfLynks different from EAPs?
Duration of Service
EAPs typically provide short-term assistance to employees with referrals to outside resources if and when care support is needed over a longer timeframe. The engagement typically ends shortly after a hand off to the 3rd party service is completed. LyfLynks provides immediate access to support and services and remains engaged through the duration of their caregiving journey.
The provision of referrals from EAPs does not lessen the burden placed on caregivers to coordinate care. These referrals require employee caregivers to pour through referral lists to identify, qualify and communicate with multiple potential service providers. LyfLynks does the legwork for employee caregivers. Our team of professionals are available 24x7. They identify care options, validate provider qualifications, obtain price estimates, and coordinate the delivery of services into the home (with caregiver approval). All while maintaining direct communication with the caregiver via our mobile application saving the caregiver significant time and worry.
Family Caregiving Stakeholders
Caring for a loved one does not occur in a vacuum. Involving extended family members, friends and neighbors in caregiving reduces the isolation and stress felt by employee caregivers. While EAPS can provide limited support to employee caregivers and their dependents, LyfLynks provides a broader approach that allows family caregivers to easily communicate with family members and other stakeholders supporting the loved one’s care.
Specific features of the Lyflynks platform include:
A mobile tool that delivers into the hands of the employee the ability to quickly and effectively manage their caregiving efforts no matter how far their loved one lives away from them.
A 24/7 response not just to obtain counseling or a referral but immediate access to our staff who will actively engage in identifying and actively coordinating services and solutions relevant to their situation.
Lyflynks connects families. A centralized communication vehicle with the ability to keep all caregiving stakeholders informed of caregiving activities, including scheduling appointments, arranging and coordinating services into the home and obtaining advice regarding options of care.
Increased purchasing power. The aggregate purchases across all LyfLynks members ensures both the quality and fair pricing of services/technologies engaged in supporting their loved one. Services ordered through Lyflynks are rated by the employee and paid through their Lyflynks account.
Push notifications and activity alerts notify caregivers when services have been delivered or issues arise regarding care recipients even when they are not actively using the app or the app is closed.
The ability to integrate caregiving activities with employees’ calendars.
LyfLynks responds directly to the employers desire to support their staff members and to reduce the cost burdens associated with productivity loss, mobility, turnover and stress emanating from the caregiving challenge. We help to cultivate not just the employees' connection to their employer but a relationship with their families. We give their time back, reducing stress, expanding their mobility and reducing distraction as we engage, inform and communicate as an active partner in their care journey.